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Sample: RCMI Program in Health Disparities Research

Meharry Medical College Logo

The RCMI Program in Health Disparities Research at Meharry Medical College (RHDR@MMC) addresses health disparities at multiple scales of research: from micro to macro environments. The RHDR@MMC is not discipline or disease-focused but emphasizes the disruption of disparity at all scales, from proteins to the human ecosystems of the populations we serve.

The RHDR@MMC has four activities:

  • Our re-envisioned Research Infrastructure Core, CRISALIS, provides expert technical support in areas relevant to the research projects, as well as services such as design, biostatistics, bio and health informatics, and cross-training support to benefit ALL researchers at the institution.
  • The Investigator Development Core creates formal mentor-mentee relationships for junior scientists via Blue-Sky Committees and offers a competitive pilot funding program designed to promote external submissions.
  • The Community Engagement Core engages community-based organizations for research priority setting and dissemination of findings, promotes participation in research by underrepresented groups, and enhances broader dissemination of findings to community stakeholders.
  • The Recruitment Core looks to attract independent, mid-career, and senior scientists to increase internal mentorship and external funding.

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