
Uzima Health & Wellness is a resource for accurate, straightforward health information and open dialog about issues most critical in Black communities. Dr. K and a host of medical experts fearlessly delve into these topics, bringing them to light and into everyday conversation. Our goal is individual empowerment through knowledge and societal change through collective action.

Black couple reading UZIMA articles

In June 2022, LACE UP supported the 2022 AAU Region 3 Track and Field event. MyUzima received support from Starbucks, Wegmans, NDA-HEALTH NOW, the Rodham Institute, and the local

One thing they cannot prohibit—The strong men coming on. The strong men gittin’ stronger. Strong men . . . Stronger . . . — Sterling Brown, 1931 The decline in

Colorectal Cancer – Your genes matter March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and Dr Kendra Outler wants to remind you that your genes matter in the fight against the disease.

What is IBD? Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) describes two conditions that cause gastrointestinal (GI) tract inflammation: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease can involve any part of the

Dr K was invited to Inside the Issues, a weekly show hosted by Dr Wilmer Leon on Sirius FM to discuss heart health.  February is heart health month, and the

Healthline, a leading online medical and wellness website, recently interviewed Dr K about the survival rate for stage 4 ovarian cancer. 

In the United States, ovarian cancer is the 5th

Over the 2022 Christmas holidays, Dr K convened a group to discuss grief over the holidays, as many families get together and face missing seats at the table.  While death

Dr K, herself no stranger to loss and grief, created a discussion titled: Unpacking grief during the holidays - reflections and solutions. She dedicated the hour-long show to the three

The founder of Uzima Health & Wellness, Dr Kendra Outler, has been interviewed by Health Professional Radio. In the interview, she discusses health disparities she has seen and experienced in

Together We Have the Power to Make a Positive Impact. Connect With Us and Start the Conversation.

The enormous issue of racial health equity can only be addressed through partnership and collaboration. By connecting you with Black communities, Uzima can be your key strategic partner in the mission to create equitable and fair health outcomes for all. Contact us to start the conversation.