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February is Heart Health month


Dr K was invited to Inside the Issues, a weekly show hosted by Dr Wilmer Leon on Sirius FM to discuss heart health.  February is heart health month, and the theme of the discussion on the show was Go Red for Women – the American Heart Association’s signature initiative for cardiovascular health (CVD).

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for women. In a wide-ranging discussion, Dr K explained symptoms, lifestyle, medications, and the impact of heart health on lifestyle – and lifestyle on heart health

While many people associate heart disease with heart attacks, the term actually encompasses a basket of conditions that impacted by heart disease that include stroke, hypertension, heart attacks, congestive heart failure and arrhythmia.

With healthcare outcomes poorer for the Black community, a key point made by Dr K was the need for Black patients to advocate for themselves and not be dismissed.  Black Women in particular should advocate for themselves if they’re having chest pain.

Listen to the full episode below.

Take a look at a few of the other posts on heart health:

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