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Who is your brother’s keeper?


Uzima Health and Wellness started the Black Men’s page as an answer to the racial injustices that our men face that can take their lives.

Health care that excludes the research, public health awareness, and better patient care resources for Black men is proving to be another injustice.

The collective health of Black men needs to be a top priority. The drop-in life expectancy in for 2020 is the largest one-year decline experienced since World War II, when life expectancy declined 2.9 years between 1942 and 1943. As expected, the life expectancy for Black men has been markedly shortened due to the pandemic. The loss of a Black man should be viewed as an increased burden experienced by his family and his community.

The reality is that Black men suffer disproportionately from gun violence, prostate and lung cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and mental illness. We have got to do more to engage Black men with the health community before they get sick. We also need to educate our medical community about the barriers to care that our men face daily.

Are you your Brother’s Keeper?




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