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July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has drawn attention to mental health in a recent tweet, saying minorities are less likely to receive diagnosis and treatment for their mental illness.

Because July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, the FDA was reminding everyone again how important it is to spot the signs of depression.

Formally recognized in June 2008, Minority Mental Health Awareness Month was created to bring awareness to the unique struggles that underrepresented groups face in regard to mental illness in the US. The FDA website provides a wide range of information about mental health and available treatments.

Separately, the Centers for Disease Control has also pointed out that mental health in some racial and ethnic minority groups has worsened since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic relative to that of white people.

Depression – one of the best-known mental problems – is more prevalent in women, although it’s a major problem for both genders. Depression can be particularly difficult during and after pregnancy.  Some women become depressed when they are pregnant or after they give birth. Other women notice that their depression gets worse during pregnancy.

You can read more about the struggles of Black moms in the medical system here on MyUzima at Black moms and the maternal health crisis.  In that article, DrK speaks with a panel of experts on the topic.




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