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COVID-19 and school


Most parents of K-12 students are worried about their children falling behind in school because of pandemic-related disruptions.

Amid disruptions caused by the coronavirus outbreak, a majority of parents of K-12 students (65%) express at least some concern about their children falling behind in school, with three-in-ten saying they are very concerned. Parents with lower incomes (72%) are more likely than middle-income (63%) and upper-income (55%) parents to say they are concerned about their children falling behind in school as a result of disruptions caused by the pandemic.

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Parents whose children are getting a mix of in-person and online instruction are the most likely to be concerned about their children falling behind in school, and those whose children are getting in-person instruction only are the least likely to be concerned. About three-quarters of parents whose children are getting a mix of instruction (74%) say they are very or somewhat concerned about their children falling behind, compared with 65% of those whose children are getting online instruction only and 56% of those whose children are getting in-person instruction only.

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