Uzima Health & Wellness is a resource for accurate, straightforward health information and open dialog about issues most critical in Black communities. Dr. K and a host of medical experts fearlessly delve into these topics, bringing them to light and into everyday conversation. Our goal is individual empowerment through knowledge and societal change through collective action.

The incidence of depression among children and adolescents is of great concern because of the acute and lasting consequences associated with depressive disorders.
Uzima Health and Wellness started the Black Men’s page as an answer to the racial injustices that our men face that can take their lives.
Together We Have the Power to Make a Positive Impact. Connect With Us and Start the Conversation.
The enormous issue of racial health equity can only be addressed through partnership and collaboration. By connecting you with Black communities, Uzima can be your key strategic partner in the mission to create equitable and fair health outcomes for all. Contact us to start the conversation.