The founder of MyUzima, Dr Kendra Outler, has been featured in the online publication, Cancer Wellness. The article, titled: When it comes to health, communication is key, deals with the role that the MyUzima website plays in fostering converations among Black and underserved communities when it comes to their personal health.
It highlights a particular focus by Dr K on triple-negative breast cancer, an especially aggressive form of the disease that tends to have higher rates among young women and Black women. Cancer Wellness quotes her as saying that despite her professional medical background, she was unaware of specific subtypes of breast cancer until several of her loved ones were diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer themselves. Dr K says it is particularly crucial in Black communities, where oftentimes health-related matters are kept private and not widely discussed among families or friends. Families should be talking about the importance of genetics and family history, particularly when it comes to cancers that may be hereditary. The article points out that when an individual knows their family health history, they are more likely to have better self-monitoring, screening and diagnosis outcomes.
The article also highlights the videos on the MyUzima site and the work, currently underway, on building out a directory of healthcare providers and facilities. These “trusted agents of information” can help individuals with screening, diagnoses and any additional referrals needed
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